Google docs - new "Research" feature
Google docs has just integrated a new feature which they call the "Research tool" - described here :
It's essentially a fairly standard google search, but the interesting bit is the option to cite the results. It automatically inserts a footnote and a reference like this : " "Handicap - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." 2004. 15 May. 2012 " There is no way to customise the citation format and it's limited to the kind of thing you can find in a google search (options are "everything", images, and quotes).
Obviously this is very basic, especially when compared with what the Zotero plugins for Word/LibreOffice can do - but I thought it noteworthy. It shows the google folks are conscious that citation is an issue. It also makes me dream of there being a similar search column on the right hand side of my google doc which would search my Zotero database rather than google...
I know nothing about the Google Docs API, but I fear it would not stretch some kind of piggy-backing by Zotero on this rudimentary citation mechanism? Can anyone comment?
It's essentially a fairly standard google search, but the interesting bit is the option to cite the results. It automatically inserts a footnote and a reference like this : " "Handicap - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." 2004. 15 May. 2012 " There is no way to customise the citation format and it's limited to the kind of thing you can find in a google search (options are "everything", images, and quotes).
Obviously this is very basic, especially when compared with what the Zotero plugins for Word/LibreOffice can do - but I thought it noteworthy. It shows the google folks are conscious that citation is an issue. It also makes me dream of there being a similar search column on the right hand side of my google doc which would search my Zotero database rather than google...
I know nothing about the Google Docs API, but I fear it would not stretch some kind of piggy-backing by Zotero on this rudimentary citation mechanism? Can anyone comment?
Just to keep all the elements in one thread, I now see they have introduced search options for google scholar and citation in three standard formats but that does not change anything about the problems discussed above.
Google Docs post-2010 uses its own text layout engine written in JavaScript and renders to the page using canvas. Hooking into its internal interfaces would be a considerable feat, and even if it were possible to get it to work, there's a good chance an update would break things.
I'm facing two problems:
1. I'm copying some of my writings from MS word to google doc. However the zotero references are not copied into google doc.
2. Also, how do I add zotero plugin to google doc to access my zotero library ?
Thanks a lot.
I've a small problem in the word docs. When I'm copying some part from a word document which already has a zotero bibliography into another document, the references are being copied but not being displayed. How to display them ? Thanks .