forum api

Hi but how many time be must waiting just to publish the post in the forum zotero-dev?
  • In my experience, it takes a couple of minutes for emails to zotero-dev list to go through.
  • i can't post nothing in the zotero _dev forum
  • it's technically not a forum but a group/mailinglist. Have you joined the group?
  • you'll have to take this up with google support. It's a public group, you can just join and post. If you can't that's a google groups issue, and nothing Zotero can do anything about.
  • It's not a Google issue—I've rejected the posts, which 1) have been mostly incomprehensible and 2) have suggested a lack of understanding of basic development concepts (e.g, what an Atom feed is and how to work with it). I'm not going to send these to the entire list.

    So, djtropez:

    1) You should write in your native language. It will be clearer.

    2) You're going to need to do some basic research on your own before posting further to the dev list. For example, in one of your messages you said the following:
    Hi i try to use the api to read and i create this URL :https://

    but when i send this url i have automatically a request to create a
    live bookmark but i can't see the page. In the bookmark i have the
    items that are in the "trash" but when i try to open the trash page
    from the bookmarks option, i open just the main page of my group.
    I don't even really know where to begin here, but if you're a seeing a "live bookmark" view, you need to look up what an Atom feed is before we can help you further. Same goes for what "URL encoding" means, etc.

    And for some of your posts, such as
    I would want to select inside a folder all the items with a specific tag and until here everything ok, but I would want that in the moment in which I position me inside the folder and it is selected the tag that I want, in the area to the left were visualized all the present tags in that specific folder...
    it wasn't even clear to me that they were development questions at all, in which case they should be posted here (and in your native language so we can better understand what you mean).
  • edited May 8, 2012
    ok parlerò in italiano se pensate sia meglio. Mi scuso per le numerose mail poco chiare ma non sono esperto di informatica e ho bisogno di risolvere dei problemi che stò avendo con le api di Zotero. Se Qualcuno potesse aiutarmi ne sarei felice.Ho organizzato il mio gruppo con due cartelle e all'interno di queste ci sono gli items. Ora vorrei sapere se potete farmi un esempio completo di come si fa a richiamare tutti gli items con un tag specifico all'interno di una collezione? è possibile nel momento in cui richiamo gli items con un tag visualizzare iniseme a ques'ultimo solo i tag presenti nella cartella selezionata?

    vi prego, di essere semplici nelle spiegazioni e di non darenulla per scontato poichè non sono un informatico ma un archeologo e capirete bene le difficoltà che stò avendo...... vi ringrazio tutti per l'aiuto! a presto
    OK, please just post your questions here to new forum threads. I'm not sure this is actually a development question. (Given that you translated "API" as "bees" in one of your posts and seemed to be trying to load an API URL in your web browser, I have a feeling you might not know what an API is? It's something for developers writing external software to programatically access Zotero data on the server. If you're just trying to use Zotero, it's not something you would use.)

    In any case, for this particular question, I'm reopening your previous thread. if someone can answer this, they'll post to that thread.
  • è possibile visualizzare tutti i tag presenti in una collection e allo stesso tempo sceglierne uno tramite url?
  • Ciao Dan, ho pubblicato un altro post, in inglese nel forum zotero_dev, ma è incomprensibile anche quello? Perdonami se ti creo credo che sia più o meno comprensibile no? aspetto tue notizie....e grazie ancora Dan! :)
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