File not found

Hi. I use zotero across two computers and it has always worked beautifully: I would be able to get a stored pdf on either regardless of which computer I used to make the attachment. I have "my library" stored on zotero. I have always used the feature "attach stored copy of file".

Over the past few days I've noticed that pdfs I've attached to an entry from one computer cannot be accessed on the other. The bibliographic entry is there, notes are there, the adobe/pdf icon is too. Still, on clicking for the pdf, I get the message "The attached file could not be found. It may have been moved or deleted outside of Zotero." Yet when I go to "My Library" I see that the pdf was indeed successfully uploaded.

Am I doing something wrong, or am I experiencing a sync problem? Should I be using the "attach link to file"?

Is there a way to rectify this, so that I can get to the stored pdf without downloading it from "My Library"?
  • you're doing everything right
    run through these as they apply:
  • got it fixed -- in fact unbeknownst to me, computer 'b' was not properly set in the preferences/ sync pane... Thanks for pointing me to the right place in 'support.'
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