Inserting a webpage citation in Word

Hi all,

(I swear I searched for this...)

I would like to cite webpages for a paper I am writing about a project that uses a few different open source libraries. I am writing the paper in MS Word (the irony...).


1. What should my citation and biblio entry look like ( a link would be great, I know this isn't a citation format forum..)

2. How I can I get everything to look like that automatically w/ Zotero?

  • When you are on the webpage you are going to cite, click the "Create new item from current page" icon.

    Next you need to have the Word Plugin Installed.

    Then just click the insert citation icon (in Word), select the citation format you want, then the webpage reference you want to cite" and click "OK".

    Zotero and the plugin take care of all the formating.

    Is that what you are needing? Or did I misunderstand your question?
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