ISI Web of Knowledge translator: Cannot import some references
I have a couple of references from the Web of Science that consistently refuse to import. All I get is a message that an error occured while saving and that I should consult the documentation for known translator issues. Tools->Report Error has no error messages.
This is Zotero 3.0.3 stand-alone with Firefox 11.0 on Windows 7/64
The references in question are:
Bergstrom, M., L. Eriksson, C. Bohm, G. Blomqvist, and J. Litton. “Correction for Scattered Radiation in a Ring Detector Positron Camera by Integral Transformation of the Projections.” J Comput Assist Tomogr 7, no. 1 (1983): 42–50.
Cho, Z.H., J.K. Chan, L. Ericksson, M. Singh, S. Graham, N.S. MacDonald, and Y. Yano. “Positron Ranges Obtained from Biomedically Important Positron-emitting Radionuclides.” Journal of Nuclear Medicine 16, no. 12 (1975): 1174–1176.
Holte, S., P. Schmidlin, A. Linden, G. Rosenqvist, and L. Eriksson. “Iterative Image Reconstruction for Positron Emission Tomography: a Study of Convergence and Quantitation Problems.” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 37, no. 2, pt.1 (1990): 629–35.
Oppenheim, B.E. “More Accurate Algorithms for Iterative 3-dimensional Reconstruction.” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science NS-21, no. 3 (1974): 72–77.
Rosenqvist, G., M. Dahlbom, L. Eriksson, C. Bohm, and G. Blomqvist. “Quantitation of PET Data with the EM Reconstruction Technique.” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 36, no. 1, pt.1 (1989): 1113–16.
Schmidlin, P. “Iterative Separation of Sections in Tomographic Scintigrams.” Nuclear Medicine 9, no. 1 (1972): 1–16.
Wienhard, K., L. Eriksson, S. Grootoonk, M. Casey, U. Pietrzyk, and W.D. Heiss. “Performance Evaluation of the Positron Scanner ECAT EXACT.” J Comput Assist Tomogr 16, no. 592395225 (1992): 804–13.
Any help would be appreciated.
This is Zotero 3.0.3 stand-alone with Firefox 11.0 on Windows 7/64
The references in question are:
Bergstrom, M., L. Eriksson, C. Bohm, G. Blomqvist, and J. Litton. “Correction for Scattered Radiation in a Ring Detector Positron Camera by Integral Transformation of the Projections.” J Comput Assist Tomogr 7, no. 1 (1983): 42–50.
Cho, Z.H., J.K. Chan, L. Ericksson, M. Singh, S. Graham, N.S. MacDonald, and Y. Yano. “Positron Ranges Obtained from Biomedically Important Positron-emitting Radionuclides.” Journal of Nuclear Medicine 16, no. 12 (1975): 1174–1176.
Holte, S., P. Schmidlin, A. Linden, G. Rosenqvist, and L. Eriksson. “Iterative Image Reconstruction for Positron Emission Tomography: a Study of Convergence and Quantitation Problems.” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 37, no. 2, pt.1 (1990): 629–35.
Oppenheim, B.E. “More Accurate Algorithms for Iterative 3-dimensional Reconstruction.” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science NS-21, no. 3 (1974): 72–77.
Rosenqvist, G., M. Dahlbom, L. Eriksson, C. Bohm, and G. Blomqvist. “Quantitation of PET Data with the EM Reconstruction Technique.” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 36, no. 1, pt.1 (1989): 1113–16.
Schmidlin, P. “Iterative Separation of Sections in Tomographic Scintigrams.” Nuclear Medicine 9, no. 1 (1972): 1–16.
Wienhard, K., L. Eriksson, S. Grootoonk, M. Casey, U. Pietrzyk, and W.D. Heiss. “Performance Evaluation of the Positron Scanner ECAT EXACT.” J Comput Assist Tomogr 16, no. 592395225 (1992): 804–13.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am connecting to the internet through a mandatory http proxy though. The proxy is configured in the internet explorer settings.
Thank you for the hint, I'll investigate further into this direction.
Took me forever to find the problem which is Mr/Ms Eriksson, who, since s/he is in all caps in the record, is mistaken by Zotero for an ER (end record) tag.
I only tested the first one of these - let me know if there are any other problems.
The following two still do fail. I have downloaded and attached the marked list for these for your convenience. One obvious thing is that the author's names have been messed up (truncated?) in WOS. This means that it is probably not worth the trouble to fix the import.
Oppenheim, B.E. “More Accurate Algorithms for Iterative 3-dimensional Reconstruction.” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science NS-21, no. 3 (1974): 72–77.
Schmidlin, P. “Iterative Separation of Sections in Tomographic Scintigrams.” Nuclear Medicine 9, no. 1 (1972): 1–16.
Thanks for reporting and thanks for putting the ISI records up - that does in fact safe me quite a bit of time.
(edit: always worth reporting stuff like that btw. - by finding what triggered the error I overall improved author import and made it more stable.)