Where is data saved


I start to work with standalone, rather than ff and have 2 questions:

1) Where, local on comp, is data saved. Is there some file or folder which I can just copy and have all data, or I have to manual export library every time I want to backup?

2) If I am in offline mode, I can't access files like online articles? How do I download this articles so I can access them in offline mode, where are they saved local on comp?
  • 1) The location of the storage directory can be found in the preferences window.

    2) If you import articles to Zotero, they should in most cases include the PDFs. If not, then you can download these separately and drag and drop them on Zotero to store them.
  • what mronkko says and this:
    for more. Note that exporting your library is _not_ a suitable back-up anyway.
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