Wiley translator captures title/author/publication/doi/issn info twice

Capturing from a Wiley page, e.g.:


results in the author, title, publication, volume/issue, pages, language, and DOI/ISSN info being captured twice to the respective fields. That is, for the link above, instead of capturing:

Radka, R. (2007). Enabling our voices to be heard. Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference Proceedings, 2007(1), 213–218. doi:10.1111/j.1559-8918.2007.tb00077.x

Zotero captures:

Radka, R., & Radka, R. (2007). Enabling our voices to be heard, Enabling our voices to be heard. Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference Proceedings, Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference Proceedings, 2007, 2007(1, 1), 213, 213–218, 218. doi:10.1111/j.1559-8918.2007.tb00077.x, 10.1111/j.1559-8918.2007.tb00077.x

(note especially the page numbers. the abstract does NOT get duplicated)

This appears to happen on pages for other publications; a random example:

is captured as

Siregar, P. R., Crane, T. A., Siregar, P. R., & Crane, T. A. (2011). Climate Information and Agricultural Practice in Adaptation to Climate Variability: The Case of Climate Field Schools in Indramayu, Indonesia, Climate Information and Agricultural Practice in Adaptation to Climate Variability: The Case of Climate Field Schools in Indramayu, Indonesia. Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment, Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment, 33, 33(2, 2), 55, 55–69, 69. doi:10.1111/j.2153-9561.2011.01050.x, 10.1111/j.2153-9561.2011.01050.x

I have verified that this behaviour happens with both Firefox and Chrome connector versions.

How can I help fix this?
  • two more notes

    1. the language field also gets duplicated
    2. the abstract does NOT get duplicated
  • I also have this problem. A quick look at the web page header seems to show duplicate meta tags.
  • Could someone report this to Wiley? I'll see if/how we can fix this on our side, but since the tags are identical it's going to be a bit of a mess - we can't, e.g., just throw out duplicate author tags as they contain different authors in other implementations. Sigh.
  • I already reported this and received a response. "The tags are used in a different context within a comment." I will reply to point out that while the comment itself is "hidden", the meta tags that follow are "read" and duplicate the Google Scholar tags.
  • Further, there are items (such as the language tag) that are not duplicated.
  • @adamsmith, I submitted a patch last night that attempts to drop duplicate fields. I'm not 100% sure that there will be no side effects though.
  • Aurimas' patch has now been accepted - this should start working correctly again.
  • hey cool, yes it does. verified today. thanks everyone!
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