Clicking a Zotero item's 'Show File' option opens multiple instances of explorer.exe
Clicking a Zotero item's 'Show File' option opens a fresh instance of explorer.exe in Task Manager, producing multiple instances thereof. This is on Win 7. It's annoying, closing each instance separately, there may be a quicker way using the 'Resource Monitor', but haven't got round to finding it yet. Is this known behaviour, or is it a problem? Thank you.
Report ID: 150273062
Report ID: 150273062
I'd rather not upgrade FF until all the 'addons' are compatible with the more recent versions (of FF).
However, I might be able to upgrade somewhat higher, depending on various factors, have to research into it.
I thought the problem might have something to do with having more than one 'Java console' in the FF Extensions list, there were Java errors, but uninstalling hasn't changed the behaviour.
It doesn't compromise functionality in any way, at least as far as I've noticed, so is not that serious a problem. Would be good to resolve it, though.
I'm having to use the 'Show File' function a lot, in order to manually create file links in JabRef and SciPlore. So it would be good if the long-standing issue of SciPlore integration (with Zotero) was resolved in a positive way.
Presently, am trying to achieve a congruence of BibTeX key styles, between Zotero and JabRef, which should reduce some of the 'workaround' steps involved in the Zotero-SciPlore transfer.
I'm not a programmer, so it's not particularly easy for me.
I should add that it is 'Show File' and clicking on the file, doing any operation, such as 'drag&drop', even moving it slightly, that produces the behaviour.
But if you're just talking about within Firefox, have you disabled all your other Firefox extensions? It looks like you have some that are logging errors.
Just did some more tests, though.
Earlier, when first carrying out the debugging procedure, I clicked 'Show File' for some items, a number of times, just that, and the behaviour didn't occur. So I repeated the procedure, this time moving the files slightly, within the Explorer pane, and the behaviour did occur. Hence, the last post.
Have just repeated the tests again, this time the behaviour is occurring with the simple selection (clicking) of 'Show File', and no other action, apart from closing the Explorer panes.
I noticed errors connected with the "Cite This!" addon at some point. Those specific to that addon should not be relevant, because I only installed the addon within the last 24 hours. Will probably uninstall it, if it seems to be problematic. I noticed the problem some weeks ago.
It may not be a Zotero issue, but it seems to be occurring in connection with an initial Zotero command, and, as yet, I haven't noticed the behaviour anywhere else on the system, that's not to say it isn't there.
Will try some more tests.
Can you provide exact steps to reproduce?
The problem has nothing to do with item operations in Zotero's middle pane. It appears after clicking on any attachment.
Click 'Show File'.
An Explorer pane appears, and a new instance of explorer.exe appears in Task Manager.
This did not happen earlier, which is significant. I was puzzled as to why this was so, surmising that certain actions were missing, e.g. dragging and dropping the actual 'attachment' file into JabRef or SciPlore, or even just moving it slightly.
Repeating the process, with slight movements of the files in Explorer(not Zotero), and the problem appeared again.
Since then, I've tested some more, and just clicking 'Show File', in Zotero, is sufficient to cause another instance of explorer.exe to appear, along with the 'attachment' file.