Altering Sort Order, APA

I haven't had a chance to do much with editing CSL styles, so I hope someone can point me in the right direction. I am working with someone who needs to create a date-sorted bibliography using APA style as the template.

What would I edit, and where, in the style file in order to have all 405 of her sources sort by date first, then alphabetically?

Many thanks for any assistance you can offer.
  • In the bibliography section of the style (i.e. a bit below the line starting with <bibliography...> replace the current <sort> section by:
    <key variable="issued"/>
    <key macro="author"/>
  • I got that to work, thanks.

    Is there another variable that I can set to change between chronological and reverse chronological order?

    Thanks again.
  • sorting defaults to ascending for all variables (i.e. alphabetical, numerical, date). To change it to descending, set a sort attribute on that sort key to descending as in

    <key variable="issued" sort="descending"/>
  • Fantastic. Thanks again!
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