only classic view works

in the MS Word add-in, if I click "zotero insert citation" I get this dialogue box where I can just begin typing some data and it pulls the relevant sources and lets me pick, but if i do pick, still the footnote will only say "{citation}" and not update, while if I click "classic view" and then choose the source it works nicely.
  • does it matter which citation style?
    Can you create an error report ID?
  • But it doesn't realy create an "error" so I don't think the error report tool will produce anything useful.
    I can say the following - I am using Zotero standalone with MS word plug in on MS Office 2010, Windows XP SP3.
    When I click "Zotero Insert Citation" in the add-in ribon in Word, a small dialogue box opens, where I can begin typing letters from a source, and it auto-completes options. When I double-click an option, it will add "{citation}" in the footnote in the document, but nothing other than that, i.e. the acutal information about the source won't appear there. However, if once I get this dialogue box, I click on the Z logo and choose "classic view" everything works nicely.
  • Forgot to add - when I choose from the list (where options load as I type in the box/field) the name appears in the box, but then when I hit enter and the "{citation}" added in the footnote in the document itself, what I see in the box will turn into "" (within the light blue oval).
  • I understand the problem.
    Error reports don't just contain things that pop up as errors visibly for the users - they also pick up things that go wrong under the hood - so if you can create an error report ID, please do.
    Also, see my question about citation style - does switching to a different style - say American Psychological Association - help?
  • Oddly enough I tried to reproduce it again this morning and everything worked super.
    But now it happened again, and then I took an error report, Number - 193719203.
    It occurred both with Bluebook law review(2) and Bluebook 19th edition (incomplete). Need to install others to see about them.
    Thanks again,
  • I'd be particularly interested if this also occurs in styles that don't create footnotes (I realize you don't need those, this is for troubleshooting purposes).
  • dunno what to say, I opened a new document and tried with APA and it worked nice, but then I tried inthat document with Bluebook and worked nice too. Could it have something to do with the specific Word Document I am working on?
  • absolutely, yes.
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