Using references within a Group

Two of my students and I are working on new manuscripts together. We each have been using our own Zotero Libraries and now formed a group and merged these references into a group library. The first draft of a paper was done using one author's "My Library" and now we are trying to work on additional drafts from the Group Library. The problem is that if I try to add a new reference to the manuscript it recognizes it from the Group but no longer is able to recognize the original references from the first draft that were done outside the group. Is there any way around this or do you have to start writing and referencing after you have formed the group?

TC in Florida
  • On the computer of the person from whose library those items came, open the document and in the Document Preference dialog of the Zotero word processor plugin, check the "Store References in Document" box:
    that should work.
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