Can't update Lookup Engines

Hi all,
I have no lookup engine displayed with my Zotero 3.0.3/firefox 11. I tried to update the existing - nothing happens. I restarted Firefox several times - no changes. And I have found no way to add new ones.
(BTW I found this point poorly documented).
Can anyone help ? Thanks a lot !
  • Google Scholar , CrossRef and Pubget are installed by default.
    You can create an engine: read this.
    As far as I know, sites must have opensearch enabled.
    What re you trying to do?
  • I can't see even the engines installed by default. I check all, but no one is displayed.
  • I'm not sure to understand.
    Can you see the green arrow next to the quick search form? Click on it, choose "Manage Lookup Engine". Did you "check" all the engines? Can you click on the "Restore Default" button?
  • Well, I do see the green arrow. Once in earlier versions I could see below "Manage..." the engines selected (for ex CrossRef), but now there is nothing appearing no more. I can both check engines and click restore button, but nothing happens.
  • Strange.
    In your zotero directory, there should be a "locate" dir with an "engines.json" file (and three others which are images). Can you find it?
  • Yes, I have found it.
  • I've no idea what's wrong... Someone else will have to comment on this.
  • Can you provide a report ID after clicking the green arrow?
  • Done, ReportID 492836959
    Thanks !
  • Simon, any news concernin my issue ?
  • Try deleting the locate directory in your Zotero directory and restarting Zotero.
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