Counting how many times each reference is cited in a document

Is it at all possible to find out how many times each reference has been cited within a given a document, without going through it manually? So for example, have a table that reads "Reference A was cited 5 times, Reference B,C were cited 3 times, Reference D,E,F,G were cited once"?

  • no. It would probably be possible to script somehow - essentially all you'd need to do is to count how many times the unique identifier associated with each reference shows up in the Fields/Reference Marks of the document - but I'm not aware of anyone who has done any work on that.
  • Ok, thanks. Too bad there isn't a simple way of getting these stats via a dialog in the Zotero Word integration plugin. Such a feature would be useful in, for example, getting a sense of which are the papers that a given thesis most builds upon, and to compare this between theses.
  • you're not the first person to request this. It's the type of feature that can relatively easily be contributed by a third party with some coding knowledge, since it doesn't require and far-reaching interaction with Zotero, but is relatively unlikely to get much attention of core devs any time soon.
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