The edition field


I was just wondering whether Zotero allows exporting specifications in the editor field such as "rev." (revised), or others.

All I know is that it's not necessary to put in "editor" next to the number edition since Zotero does it automatically.

Any clue? Thank you guys!
  • if the question is whether you can do stuff like
    "ed. and rev. by" or the like, the answer is no.
  • I see, so is there a chance to edit that in the CSL code thingie?
  • that depends, but probably not. If you want each editor to be "rev." - yes, that's easy to do. If you want some editors just to be "ed." and others to be "rev. and ed." that's just not possible. You'll have to do that manually in the word processor at the end of the editing process.
  • on the other hand - if you mean "edition" like in your thread title, and not "editor" like in your post, it's possible to modify style so that they just print whatever is in your edition field.
  • Ok, I appreciate much your quick response.
    Thanks one again!
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