Quick format citation bar


Why can't I get the quick format citation bar to appear over any program (such as word or firefox or anything else.) As it stands I have to close all the programs down, and use the quick format citation bar on the desktop, then reopen Word, check that the citation is correct, minimise word, open the citation bar, etc etc?)

Many thanks
  • that's obviously not how it usually works (general rule: if something seems really odd, it's not typical Zotero behavior).
    What system is that on and with what version of Zotero?
    (Also, of course, you don't need to close down the programs, you can just use alt+tab, but that's a workaround, not a solution - by design, the quickformat bar should always appear on top.)
  • I am using Windows 7, Word 2010 and Zotero 3.03

    Do I need to enter anything other than Alb+Tab?

    When in firefox, I get the zotero logo and arrow on the bottom right of my screen. However I don't get the 'add' to Zotero button up top next to the 'add bookmarks bar?' Please assist.
  • To confirm - alt tab doens't bring up the bar. If I press alt tab and then go to add ins and insert citation - the citation bar doesn't open in word...again I have to shut everything down...
  • If I press alt tab and then go to add ins and insert citation - the citation bar doesn't open in word
    The Quick Format bar comes from Firefox, not Word.
  • It just said that the firefox app on wasn't working - so I turned the app on and off and shut the computer down and restarted and now it is working fine.


    No further help needed though thanks.
  • Actually I do - I still don't have the 'add to Zotero' button or whatever it is...
  • OMG no I don't. LOL! Sorry to be such a pain!
  • so do I understand correctly that you're all set or do you still need help on something? If so, which problem exactly?
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