
This topic is for those who are interested in Japanese localization of Zotero.





この語はこなれた日本語にするのが難しいようです。Citationの一般的な訳語である「引用」をそのまま使用すると、Zoteroでの意味は「引用の出典表記」ですから、齟齬が生じます。たとえば、Insert Citationsを訳すために、日本語で「引用を挿入する」と言えば、本や論文からの「引用語句」そのものを挿入する意味になってしまい、意味が合いません。正確にはウィキペディアが使っているように「出典」のほうがよいでしょう。EndNoteの日本語版マニュアルでの訳語は「引用表記」。

Citation style



  • Thanks for this feedback. I'll try to respond in greater detail later in the day, but for now, a quick response. The international interfaces are a community effort, with contributions from many quarters. We can be grateful for past contributions that brought the Japanese interface into being, while striving to improve it as a community.

    The translations for the Zotero user interface are online, so you can propose amendments directly by opening a Transifex account. Here is the link:

  • Thank you for the response. I had already launched Japanese 'team' in TransFex (currently I am the only member of it). I've done a bit of translations, but I need a policy about translation. Otherwise, it would become messy.

    I found this issue quite tricky. It seems this is not only about Zotero software, but also about how Japanese language should be used in academia or in the field of computer. While I am a natural hater of too much use of katakana words, the use of katakana words is certainly getting more prevailed in computer-related contexts. For example, it is difficult to decide whether old-fashioned but scholarly 目録 is 'better' than modern and easy リスト.
  • Personally, I would favor a policy of using terms in kanji where they are available and convey the meaning. As you say, Zotero is aimed at an academic audience, and literary or mildly archaic expression is comfortable there. Kanji is also more efficient, as it takes up less screen space. So personally (as a non-native speaker whose opinion should count for little in such decisions ...) I would go with your suggested phrasings, and revise back to katakana only where users come forward to object.
  • Even though your are not non-native, you seem to be only a person (so far) who're interested in this topic. Inevitably, your opinion counts much.

    Come to think of it, among the examples above, Citation Style is a term related to computer, rather than to academia. So, using 引用スタイル for it may be more acceptable.

    Let's go with the following tentative translations until others start complaining.



    Citation style
    (提案)[as it is]

  • I created Glossary - Japanese on Transifex. It would be useful for this kind of discussion.
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