Differences in drag and drop items between colections with (without) control (crtl) pressed


I tried to find out through "search" information about this subject. A plenty of information appeared, but I couldn't find exactly I am asking.

So, I would like to understand what is the difference in drag and drop items between colections with (without) control (crtl) pressed?

With "crtl" pressed it appears a + signal in the item. But using without "crtl", the output is the same. In both situations the item was copied from one collection to another. None seems to be different in the output.

Thanks in advance,
  • I don't think there currently is a difference in behavior.
  • I realized the same that you.

    But once the item changes its appearance when pressing crtl (a + signal appears) it could getting confusion on drag and drop to everyone who is trying Zotero. My first impression was "what is the difference..."
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