Problem with creating a standalone note on the website

I'm having an issue with creating a standalone note on the website. I've set up a group for my class, and I'd like students to be able to create new notes from anywhere (not just from the desktop version of Zotero), but whenever I click on the "new note" button in the group library, I get a blank screen. This happens in both Chrome and Firefox.

I can create a child note once I'm looking at a particular source, though.

Any suggestions?
  • I can't reproduce this. Which operating system and browser versions? Does it happen after an uncached refresh (usually ctrl-shift-R or command-shift-R) or a browser restart?
  • I'm using Mac OSX 10.6.8, Firefox 7.01

    I go to,
    I click on "Group Library"
    and then on the "New" icon
    and then choose Item Type, "Note",
    and click "Continue"
    Nothing happens: no text box, etc.
  • And neither refreshing nor restarting the browser seem to make any difference.
  • Fixed! Thanks so much.
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