Please format the abstract in the web interface

Dear Zotero,

When I add items to a library I quite often want others to be able to read the abstract from the web interface. Unfortunately this is very cumbersome currently.

Take for example this:

Zotero | Groups > From Some Psychologists > Library > The Feather Postures of Birds and the Problem of the Origin of Social Signals

The abstract is shown as just one long (wrapped) line. In the database it is formatted as several paragraphs to make it readable.

Wouldn't it be easy just to add a <br /> tag for each newline in the abstract?
  • (probably a good idea to move this to the website section of the forum - fcheslak's realm. No need to repost - you can move a post by editing your first entry and then selecting a new category on the left).
  • Thanks adamsmith, I will make a try to move it now... ;-)
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