HELP! or How to learn to stop worrying and love Word 2011

Dear friends, This is a peculiar thing to ask here, I know, but after wrestling with and testing many solutions it seems obvious to me now that Word (or Libre?) with Zotero is probably the best way for me to go about writing scholarly stuff. Or it could be. There is a simple elegance to this workflow, but I wrestle a lot with these kitchen sink word processors. They seem slow, difficult to use to order one's writing, and Word's fullscreen feature is not as great as it could be because it doesn't play nice with Zotero's citation window... I suspect many scholars have gone through this (?) and I wonder what kind of set up you've found to mitigate some of the more annoying problems of Word or LibreOffice while also keeping it simple and productive.

I also suspect there are some great features in Word or Libre that I have overlooked--this might not be the space for any of these queries, but do point me in a good direction if you can.
  • It's really a matter of academic discipline and personal style. If you don't like WYSWYG word processors and don't have to rely on them for collaboration with co-authors, there are a bunch of other possibilities - including Pandoc, Lyx, LaTeX, restructured text - all of which have some version of Zotero integration.

    If you're not paying for it and don't care about the 'free as in speech' part, it seems to me that Word on Windows works better than Libre Office, which is good, but more buggy and lacking some nice Word functions ( haven't used Word 2011, but stuff like the clipboard tray, e.g. I miss since moving to Ooo/LO). On a Mac, my sense is that Word is a lot buggier and people seem notoriously unhappy with Word for Mac, at least with the 2008 version.
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