Two or more editors - Chicago Full Note

I'm new to Zotero, and can't imagine these issues have not been discussed before, but cannot find any documentation.

1. The current Chicago Full Note style treats multiple editors the same as a single editor. e.g. Shakespeare, _Hamlet_, ed. Bert and Ernie.

But according to CMS (14.76), multiple editors should be prefaced with "eds." not "ed."

2. Chicago Full Note outputs "Ibid." in Roman, not italics. Should be italics.

These seem like such basic features, and I wonder what to do about it. Have looked into the editing the script, but it's over my head.

What am I missing?

  • 1. is correct for editors after the title - the abbreviation is for "edited" i.e. the verb, I believe. See CMoS 14.112.
    3. Anne Carr and Douglas J. Schuurman, “Religion and Feminism: A Reformist Christian Analysis,” in Religion, Feminism, and the Family, ed. Anne Carr and Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1996), 14.
    2. Ibid should not be in italics according to CMoS 14.29
  • Wow--I've been wrong about this all along! Thanks so much!
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