add automatic item without URL bar

I hide the URL bar in firefox to save space.

Is there any other way to add a new item using site translators, apart from clicking on the small icon in the URL bar?

From right-clicking on the webpage, I can only add the webpage, but it is not run through site translators so I miss the authors, journal, etc.
  • No, there's not.

    A keyboard shortcut will probably happen at some point, but it doesn't now. (It'd technically be possible to use a third-party extension to do that now, but we can't help you with that.)
  • Thanks Dan!

    Would it be prohibitively difficult to add an item in the right-click menu for that function?
  • I have looked into the code and I realize that the right-click menu is well separated from the URL bar one, so this integration is not trivial.

    However, I cannot believe it is so difficult. It boils down to accessing ZoteroBrowser from within zoteroPane.xul. Its source file, browser.js, is already called at the beginning of zoteroPane.xul. We would only need to look for what translators are available on the current webpage, create a menu with all "Save to Zotero using %s" entries, and execute the chosen function.

    Unfortunately, I am an absolute ignorant in javascript/XUL, so this still looks hard for me to do without any help.
  • Ok, it was easy in the end. For a simple "Save to Zotero" button, you just have to add the following lines in zoteroPane.xul right after <menupopup> (line 68):

    <menuitem id="zotero-context-save-to-zotero" class="menu-iconic"

    When you click on the new "Save to Zotero" button, the page is scraped using the first translator (as it would do by left-clicking in the zotero button in the URL bar) and saved.

    Would you be inclined to include this in the mainstream release?
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