Web site timing problem for collections in the library

Dear Zotero,

Could you please try to honor my choice of collection during loading of a library main web page? Let me explain:

If I click on a collection in a library during the main library page loading you sometimes does not seem to notice that. Or, rather you seem to be a bit split-minded about it: You select the collection in the right panel, but the listing in the right panel is sometimes for the whole library instead of just the collection.

You can try with this group library here:


Try clicking on for example "Kirsch's lessons in Lund 2011" in the left panel immediately after that text is visible. Sometimes this will work as expected (ie only those items that are in that collection will be shown) and sometimes all the items in the group library is shown.

I suggest that you make the loading in the right panel interruptable by clicks in the left panel. (But that is a technical note of course.)
  • What OS and browser?

    In general that is how it should work (and the item list should match the url, so if you see 'collectionKey/XXXXXXXX' in the url that should be what is loaded). However I would not be surprised if this was broken on some browsers or certain situations, such as when the full list of tags is still loading in the background, so I'll look into it.
  • Windows 7, 64-bit. Google Chrome.
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