Enable subscripts and superscripts in citation title field

This is something that was introduced in Endnote a few years ago and would be a big time saver for some scientific citations, particularly chemistry.
  • I agree. It would be very very nice to be able to use superscripts and subscripts. Good also for math.
  • The word processor plugins allow you to reformat references to add superscript/subscript. Subscript and superscript numbers (as one is likely to encounter in chemistry) are already supported (because they are in unicode).

    See also:

    for more on rich text.
  • Subscript/superscript numbers in unicode do not solve the problem:
    (i) One cannot find them by searching, e.g. 'H2O'.
    (ii) It is limited to numbers, what about the ion O- with superscript minus? Or variables in the subscript, C<sub>n</sub>H<sub>2n-2</sub>?
    (iii) Inserting unicode sub/superscript numbers is combersome (extra panel with unicode display is needed; one has to scroll far down).

    It is really a bad problem when the article title contains chemical symbols. What about HTML markup, and omitting it in search (maybe as an option?)
    Then, of course, also the translator to bibtex has to interpret it...
  • A new CSL processor has been developed for Zotero, which supports a simple rich text markup scheme. Sample input and output can be viewed here:


    Inclusion of this facility is planned for Zotero version 2.1, which should start appearing early next year. Meanwhile, a workaround such as Richard suggests is explained here:

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