HELP! TypeError: is undefined

I'm preparing a paper due tomorrow and after cutting and pasting some text with Zotero references in it from different sources, I just noticed the document was not updating the citations. When I tried to set the citation style or update the citations, or do ANYTHING, I get:

Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
TypeError: is undefined

I can't even try to change the style, because every time I press anything, this same error message comes up. Please help?!?
  • I would start by re-installing the citation style you're using from the repository at If that doesn't help, try "reset styles" from the advanced tab of the Zotero preferences and, if you're not using one of the default styles, re-install that from the repository.
    If that doesn't help either, provide an error report ID immediately after triggering the error.
  • Thank you for the quick reply, but unfortunately neither of those two options worked. I'm going to try shutting down word and Firefox and try again, we'll see. If you have any way of keeping me updated on the bug report I would REALLY appreciate it! I will post back if for some reason it starts working.
  • you need to follow the instructions and post the error report ID here.

    Obviously you should try re-starting your computer (not just FF) as a first troubleshooting option for almost any major problem.
  • PHEW! Restarting FF, then reinstalling the style before opening Word and applying it worked.

    I exited out of the error report ID screen before copying the number in my haste. Looks like it's not needed now. PHEW!
  • I just ran into this same problem myself. I added references to my document on one computer and was trying to edit it on another that did not have the style installed.

    I think Zotero needs to handle this much more gracefully. I see a couple options:

    A) Automatically download the style.

    B) If (A) does not work, prompt the user to download the style, redirecting him/her to the CSL repo and probably to the correct style.

    C) Revert to another style and inform the user that the style is missing.

    I can't recall any patches in the last few months addressing this, but since I'm running 3.0.3 on this comp, it may have already been implemented. If so, please disregard.
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