3.0.2 SA/Chicago note forces hyphens intead of en-dashes in citations with multiple page ranges

I just proofread something I’ve written and noticed that page ranges where specified using hypehens, rather than en-dashes. When I tried to fix this, I noticed that I had correctly entered en-dashes in the first place, but Zotoro had replaced my en-dashes with hyphens. Apparently this happens whenever multiple page ranges are given for a single item.

For example:

Works correctly:

1. Cf. Kirk and Raven, Presocratic Philosophers, 271–272.

Replaces en-dashes with hypens:

1. Cf. Kirk and Raven, Presocratic Philosophers, 271-272 and 280-281.

Thanks for looking into it.
  • Addendum; the problem apparently has to do with letters being part of the page range; e.g., it also occurs for:

    2. Phaedo, 100e-103c.
  • This might already be fixed in Zotero 3.0.3, available now.
  • It is, thanks.
  • as a note - Zotero 3.0.3 will also automatically convert any hyphens in page-ranges to en-dashes. So there is no need to manually fix that up.
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