Help to adjust a couple of items in an existing style (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas)


I would appreciate any help to adjust the style "Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) - (2011-08-30)".

These are my points (the items between "" are that in the Zotero tab info, considering the item type):

a) item type=> Thesis

I would like to insert the fields "Type" (not Item Type) and "# of Pages".

b) item type=> Conference Paper

b.1. The word ( Anais... ) need to be inserted in all bibliographic output, but it isn't happening in all situations.

b.2. Both "title" and ( Anais... ) are with font = bold. But I need just ( Anais... ) in bold. So, font "title" is normal.

b.3. I would like to insert the field "Series".

b.4.The bibliographical output is as following:

ALMEIDA, A. Fear: Scientific Views. London: Cambridge. , 2008

The "period" inserted after Cambridge is wrong (I need it after 2008). So, the correct way would be:

ALMEIDA, A. Fear: Scientific Views. London: Cambridge, 2008.

Thanks in advance,

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