Excessive Capitalization Of Citation Titles

  • edited November 26, 2022
    Also, I might have found another bug.
    According to the Chicago Manual, 17th (14.23 Notes and Bibliography) ‘translated / edited by…’ should be placed first and page numbers of the chapter should be placed at the end. But Zotero makes it this way (it even uses sentence case for a word placed after a dot):

    Muñoz García, Ángel. “Aristóteles; una sociedad imposible sin esclavitud.” In Corregidores, encomenderos, cabildos y mercaderes: Thesaurus indicus, by Diego de Avendaño, 123–68. translated by Ángel Muñoz García. Pamplona: EUNSA, 2007.

    ———. “Introducción.” In Un tratado sobre la esclavitud – De instauranda Aethiopum salute, by Alonso de Sandoval, 15–44. edited and translated by Enriqueta Vila Vilar. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1987.
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