Undock Zotero Pane

Hi all,

I would very much like to see the Zotero pane made undockable - after the same manner as the Firebug web development extension (http://www.getfirebug.com/). This extension provides a small "Open Firebug in New Window" button which results in the Firebug pane being "undocked" from Firefox.

I believe both Firebug and Zotero are written in JavaScript - and as Firebug is open source perhaps such a modification is little more than a cut and paste job (he suggests in hopeful ignorance <smile>)?

The thinking behind this request is as follows:

Currently Zotero has a "maximize" function which enables it to be viewed full-screen. However, using the "view" feature for a file (.pdf, .html, etc) results in the file opening "behind" Zotero. One then has to maximize/minimize Zotero in order to view the opened file(s). If one could open Zotero in an independent window, however, one could move it to a second monitor and resize it - thus enabling a full screen view of Zotero on one monitor and a full screen view of viewed files on the other.

Of course, not every person uses multiple monitors (silly them!) but for those who do this suggested functionality would, I think, be very helpful. Certainly it would help resolve the often painfully small windows one is stuck with a single Firefox window in which to view both Zotero and Firefox content (not to mention the added problems faced when having the sidebar open at the same time!)

I should only note in closing that opening Zotero in a new Firefox window does not emulate the functionality as described above - the viewed file will open "behind" Zotero in the new window, not in the original window on the first monitor.
  • https://www.zotero.org/trac/ticket/390
  • A suggestion: move your second monitor placement to 'below' your main screen. Open your browser across both screens. Put zotero in the bottom half. Voila.

    I am not at my main workstation, so I have no idea if this will work, but I think it is worth trying.
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