Adding info about z mobile (zotpad, zandy and zotfile) + z plugins to the webpage

I am new to Zotero and have the following suggestion:

The other day a friend told me about Zotero and I briefly checked it out. I was discouraged by my initial impression that mobile platforms are not supported. Luckily, my friend educated me about various possibilities.
Now I discovered the android and ios app but also different add-ons most notably zotfile (which is amazing for annotating pdfs on my ipad) and ZoteroQuicklook.

So here is what I am wondering: <b>Why are these great additions to Zotero not more advertised?</b> Yes, there is an already outdated blog entry "Zotero goes mobile" (the link to zotfile does not work for example), a very hidden list of plugins for zotero and basically the Zotero forum. This stuff should be much more visible to new users! Why not add 'Mobile' to the front page next to 'Collect', 'Organize', 'Cite', and 'Sync' with ZotPad, Zandy and Zotfile incl. screenshots? Currently, ZotPad and Zandy seem great to access your library and zotfile to annotate your pdfs. When I first installed Zotero, I was welcomed by this "Thanks for installing zotero" webpage (not sure what it actually said). Why not add two headings there? One for 'Using Zotero with your mobile device' and one for 'Getting more out of Zotero' with a list of popular addons (I am thinking about ZoteroQuickLook, zotfile and LyZ but that is obviously biased by what I am using).

I think these great additions should be more visible to new users!
  • You're right and everyone agrees with you:
    It's just not quite done yet.
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