Default font for citation

I noticed that in Zotero 3, the default citation font in Office 2007 is Courier New but i prefer Times New Romans. How can i make a change?
  • Zotero doesn't set a default font. Word does.
  • edited February 7, 2012
    What adamsmith said, but a further explanation--

    Word sets default fonts for each document item style (the document item style, NOT the citation style you set in Zotero). In your Word document, place your cursor within the text that is shown in Courier font face. Look at the Word style name on your menu bar. (This word style has nothing to do with the Zotero citation style.) Likely, the style name will not be "normal" but something else. You will need to change the settings for that style within Word. Word allows you to automatically have different parts of your document display differently --

    - The document's title style can be set to bold (or not), centered (or not), and to a particular font face and size -- even to Comic Sans, 100 pt.

    - Section headings and sub headings will each have different page styles. The font face styles for footnotes and the bibliography are also affected by Word styles.

    Depending upon your settings within Word, text that is inserted or pasted into the document can be assigned (by Word) a different style than the text before and after what was inserted. You will need to determine the Word style name for the inserted text, go to the settings for that style, and change the font from courier to Times New Roman. Make this the default setting for that style. You can read about document section styles by searching Help for Word or by following the link adamsmith provided.
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