Quotation with an exact page number.


I have the following problem. I want to quote specifically certain sentences from different sources. The citation in the text shall look like this for example:
"Hello world, how is it going?" (Daniel, 2012).

Now I want that my bibliography entry lists the # of pages of the entire source as well as the page number where the quotation appears exactly. I don't find an appropriate insertion field in the Zotero Firefox Add-on. Is there one? If not, what would be a solution to this problem if I don't want to insert the page number manually in my bibliography in Word.

Thanks in advance for the help.
All the best
  • That's an interesting idea, but I don't know of any styles that call for this kind of information in the bibliography, and it's not currently supported. Does this come from a style used in publication? If so, it can certainly be put on the todo/desiderata list. If not, it probably won't be picked up.
  • You can include the pages from the word processor once you retrieve the zotero file

    Jorge Mejia
  • Hi. To add the page number on a quote: after clicking in "insert citation" on Word, simply switch to "classic view", there is a field for page there. Regards.
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