Download linked file feature

I commonly work without internet access (i.e. on a ship at sea) and therefore make a point of having a local copy of all my references in my Zotero database. I'm writing to ask for a new feature - an option to download the linked file on a journal's website to store it locally - with a single click.

Current options allow one to take a snapshot of the current page (but this doesn't get the linked PDF article), add a link to the current page (doesn't help if you need access to the article without the internet), attach a stored copy of the file (works but requires you to first download the file, save it somewhere, select this option in zotero, navigate to the file and select it - too many steps), or link to the file (also doesn't work when without internet access).

What I'd like is an option that says "Download copy of article." which would download a copy of the article, put it in my database and attach it to the zotero entry.

  • Zotero currently does this. Just make sure that the you have "Automatically attach associated PDFs and other files when saving items". Also, you should use the small icons in the address bar to import items.
  • Hmm.

    Turns out I have this selected. I just tried it at IEEE Explore and it works perfectly.

    However it doesn't work at the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America:

    One gets a link to the page but not a a downloaded copy of the pdf.

    I suppose my feature request is then misplaced, perhaps as a bug report.


  • not a bug. See 5.) here:

    For sites like that, the easiest way to attach the pdf is to open it in FF with the adobe (or another) plugin, and then use "attach snapshot of current page" (the paper clip or right-click on the item in question).
  • Or, if you don't use a PDF plugin, drag the PDF link over the item in Zotero (assuming the site doesn't use an intermediate page or frame to display the PDF).
  • (that said, I might be able to write a translator for this quickly - they use standard metadata, so it'll be quick. I'll let you know if/when that happens)
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