Some suggestions

Using Zotero lately prompted me to write down a couple of suggestions for features that I think would greatly improve Zotero. Many thanks in advance for the attention of the developers.

- Doing a spell check in WOrd is a very cumbersome task due to the fact that Zotero fields containing citations are treated as regular text (and, of course, most authors' names are thought to be typos). It would be great to have an option in the Zotero Word integration plugin that makes Word ignore Zotero fields, since there really is no point in spell-checking them

- In the Add/Edit Citation window, the list of citations on the right only contains the titles of the papers, and it is not always easy to associate the title with the author of the paper, which is given in the citation. It would therefore be good for this list of existing multiple citations to be a normal list, i.e. with COlumns for Author, Title, Year etc, so that if a citation includes many papers, you are able to easily browse through those papers

- When you insert a citation and select Multiple Sources, it would be a lot easier to be able to select those multiple sources using Ctrl+click rather than clicking on each one individually and clicking on the right arrow button. In fact, this enhancement would eliminate the need for a Multiple Sources button, as one would be able to select either one or more sources as needed, using Ctrl+click

- When saving a search, it would be good to have a Collapse All option, such that all items are collapsed rather than expanded, when fed into the list

- It would be excellent if the Word Zotero addon allowed us to see some basic statistics about citations within a document, e.g. how many times each paper is cited, the newest paper cited, etc

- This feature might already be implemented: in a citation, is it possible to suppress the year rather than the author? Currently there is only an option to suppress the author, however it is also sometimes useful to suppress the year instead, and have the author name, without the brackets, as a Zotero field.
  • -There is nothing that Zotero can do for Word spell checking. I believe this can be disabled in Word options

    -This is changed in Zotero 3 with the QuickFormat dialog. You can view citation details easily .

    - Not a issue in the new QuickFormat dialog

    - I do not know about the saved searched to comment on this.

    - Nice to have feature, but probably will not be implemented since there are more important unimplemented features.

    -The brackets come from a citation style and cannot be removed, I believe.
  • HI, some citations for spanish books need a "compilador(es)", or "coordinador(es)" field. And for me is necessary a new item for "actas de simposio" How can I add this fields in zotero?
    Additionally i also would like to suggest this web site for zotero:
  • My knowledge of Spanish publishing terms is about as weak as my knowledge of Spanish, but would this be relevant?
  • well, i´m not sure if is really relevant, but in terms of "right citations" for some spanish academic papers they ask for this terms, would be useful to have this options. I do create the bibliography in zotero and I modify later in word,changing from "contributor" to "compilador", "coordinador",etc.
    Related to "actas de simposio" i use to fill out the item "articulo en conferencia" and is OK.
  • Will the new CSL variable discussed under the link I posted above cover the use case? It's not in Zotero/CSL yet, but it is planned.
  • Ok, I agree with this comment in the link above:
    "I would be great if we could add the good description (préface de, etc...) in a blanck field we could personalize in Zotero... ??" Regards.
  • @mamacas: You're referring to this post which was a user's suggestion.
    I agree that zotero should be improved on this point (other ""author"" type, preface, postface, foreword, supervisor) but a blank field is unlikely to happen as it may contradict one of zotero's goal: standardized and interchangeable data.

    That said, a "Publishing Director" field will be added in the (near) future: would it suit your needs?
    Do you need both "compilador" and "coordinador"?
  • Well i think "compilador" and "coordinador" fields are neccesary,

    "compilador" means somebody take some papers or ancient documents (different authors and different dates) and join them in a book,
    I. ex. I use:
    Garza, M. de la et al., 1992. Literatura maya, Caracas, Venezuela: Fundacion Biblioteca Ayacuch.
    But actually the authors are maya people from differents dates in XVI century, and Garza, M. de la et al. only make facsimil copies.

    in the other hand "coordinador" ussually coordinates conferences, round tables or simposia and then print the reports(actas):I. Ex.
    I have
    ... In Martinez O., L. & Guzmán V., A. eds. Homenaje a Román Piña Chan... (i Can´t use"coordinadores", then I only use editors).But some journals publish as follow:
    ...In Homenaje a Roman Pina Chan, coordinated by R. Garcia Moll and A. Garcia Cook, pp. 213- 228...

    I have many samples of this, thanks
  • that sounds exactly like directeur de publication and editeur to me.
    As long as the functions are the same, their Spanish translation can be whatever is appropriate for any given style including coordinador for directeur de publication and compilador for editor.
  • Adhiero a la necesidad de la categoría "compilador". En educación, donde yo trabajo, hay muchísimos libros que tienen tanto "editor" como "compilador". Son funciones distintas. Gracias!!!
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