3.0b3.2 SA closing Zotero de-minimises minimised Firefox windows on Mac OS X, and other confusion

I just noticed that when Firefox and Zotero are both running, and I quit Zotero, then previously minimised Firefox windows get de-minimised again and get the focus, rather than, as normal, the focus being passed on to the last application that was previously active; this happens whether or not Firefox was the last application used before Zotero.

By the same token, if I run Preview.app in Apple's new fullscreen mode and then use + to switch back to Zotero, then Zotero gets the focus, but the Firefox windows is raised above the Zotero window; vice versa, if I switch to Firefox, then Firefox gets the focus, but the Zotero window is raised above the Firefox window.

It’s only a minor annoyance, but it would be nice if you could look into this.
  • I've fixed the first issue. I'm not sure I understand the steps to reproduce for the second issue, but there's a good chance it's fixed as well.
  • Probably, but just to be on the safe side. On Mac OS X Lion, open Zotero, Firefox, and Preview, then enter Apple's brand new "true" full-screen mode in Preview, by clicking on "⤢" in the upper right corner, as opposed to just maximising the window with "+" in upper left corner. Now cycle through the windows using <⌘> + , select Firefox or Zotero.
  • Oh, stupid me, my brackets got swallowed by HTML, the ominous "+" in the first message really means: <⌘> + <Tab>, the same goes for the second.
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