3.0b3.2 SA edit citation details mask appears to lose focus to insert citation dialogue

Sometimes, when I try to add a prefix or other details to a citation, the edit details dialogue loses focus to the insert citation dialogue.

This seems to happen only or at least significantly more often if ”Store references in document” is turned on.

From what I see, the reason for the loss of focus is that the insert citation dialogue tries to find matches for my search query in two locations, the document and my database, but finishes searching one before the other, to the effect that when I select – and edit – one of the matches before Zotero has concluded its search in the other location, the insert citation dialogue assumes focus when the search of the second location is finished, as a consequence of which the edit details mask loses it.

This often results in inserting the same citation twice, as pressing enter, rather than confirming one’s changes in the edit details mask, confirms the insertion of the citation, selecting the first match returned by Zotero from searching the second ”location.”

Reproducing this error became harder in 3.0b3.2 then it was in 3.0b3.1, but that may just be my perception.
  • I fixed an issue that could cause the box to become unresponsive for a few seconds with large documents, but I can't reproduce any loss of focus. Are you sure that it's losing focus and not just pausing?
  • Pretty; firstly, it doesn’t exactly pause, that is, it pauses while it searches for my query, but it becomes responsive, even if one of the two searches hasn’t yet finished; secondly, when this happens while I’m adding a prefix or page numbers, then the next keystroke is caught by the insert citation dialogue, not the dialogue in which one adds page numbers and prefixes. I didn’t yet figure out how to reproduce it, it just happens from time to time, that is, if ”Store references in document” is turned on.
  • For what it’s worth, it now did happen with ”Store references in document” turned off as well. And I forgot to mention that I’m using Zotero on Mac OS X 10.7.2, maybe this makes a difference.
  • Yeah, I don't see why that option would make a difference to anything. I made some changes for our next beta that may resolve whatever was happening, but since I was unable to reproduce it in the first place I'm not too confident.
  • Thanks again; is there a point in sending you the, pretty messed up, document that I’m writing on, so that you can reproduce the error?
  • edited January 2, 2012
    I'm happy to give it a try. You can email the file to support@zot...org with whatever instructions you can provide.

    Another thought: is the issue more likely to happen the first time you add a citation after restarting Firefox?
  • Just to let you know, the bug persists in 3.0rc1.1. Oh, and I didn’t see your question last time, sorry. I typically don’t quit Zotero at all, as long as nothing crashes, which happens from time to time, so: no. Thanks for looking into this.
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