Abstract as a note


With a friend using zotero we were thinking that it would be better to have abstracts recorded in notes instead (or on top of) of having the abstract recorded in its usual place.

When you import a few articles and what to read the abstract after importing, the usual place where the abstract is usually imported is not very user friendly (small). Having the option to import abstracts as notes would make our zotero experience even better.

I hope you get what I mean and other users might find that useful (having a small knowledge in computing I believe it to be simple to implement).
  • I agree that the right-hand column can be a bit cramped for readings abstracts (although you can expand it if you have a bigger screen). That said, the abstract is part of the item metadata and really belongs in the Info pane, not in a note.
  • Try generating a report from the item to get a more spacious reading area.
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