Hyphen 0x2010 not imported correctly

Dear Zotero,

You are showing me a question mark when I told you to import and handle a hyphen (0x2010). I suppose someone have to tell you what to do with the hyphen. Maybe you are not fully UTF-8 aware? Try to be that, it will make things easier for you.

Kind regards,

PS: I saw this when importing

Taylor & Francis Online :: Antipsychotic medication, mortality and neurodegeneration: The need for more selective use and lower doses - Psychosis - Volume 2, Issue 1 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17522430903501999

There is a hyphen after for example
"Method: The medical literature was searched to identify studies assessing severe somatic side" (hyphen comes here).

I am using Zotero standalone 3.0b2.1 with Chrome connector.
  • edited December 7, 2011
    not a Zotero issue.
    Zotero uses the RIS from that site, which has ? instead of - (Download Citation ---> RIS+citation and abstract).
    Report to T&F.

    (edit: and of course Zotero is fully utf-8 compliant & aware)
  • I see. Thanks.
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