Original date of publication/creation for old literary works in the MHRA style

The MHRA style with bibliography on Zotero only proposes the box for putting the date of publication of the book itself, rather than the original date of publication/creation for old literary works.

e.g. the original date of creation is 1870, but Zotero creates the book as the following, which looks misleading:
Gaboriau, Émile, Le Petit Vieux Des Batignolles (Paris: Bibliothèque Gallimard, 2001).

whereas I assume this would be more correct:
Gaboriau, Émile, Le Petit Vieux Des Batignolles [1870] (Paris: Bibliothèque Gallimard, 2001).

Is there any way of adding this feature in?

Also, in order to do it manually, I looked in the MHRA Style Guide, but I am unable to find an indication of the correct position within the reference.
Is my assumption above correct?
Does anyone have any idea?

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