Error in the automatically-generated bibliography of the MHRA style on Zotero

According to the MHRA Style Guide, for a bibliography in a list form there should not be final full points after each item (see section 11.6 on Bibliographies or, more specifically, page 66 of the guide if you are able to download it).

I have the 2.1.10 version of Zotero for Firefox, with the plugin for Microsoft Word as well. Zotero in Word automatically puts full stops after each item in the bibliography, so, without having to manually change this every time (I have a lot of documents and change my lists often), can this be changed by someone?

  • I fixed this, the updated style will show up on the repository within 30mins - check the update date and the re-install the style.
    This should also get rid of your other MHRA issue wrt to subsequent sources.
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