Invalid response from Server. Please try again in a few minutes.

After unsucessful attempt to synchronise I get the message
"Invalid response from Server. please try again in a few minutes" with a red call sign next to the green arrow.

Firefox restart does not work.

Report ID 610035480.

I deinstalled an old Java version and am now up to date. Can Java cause the trouble?

My colleagues can synchronize.

thanks for your help!
  • Your Zotero has been requesting a huge download (>30K items) to be processed on the server repeatedly. It looks like it has finished numerous times today already. You might get an "Invalid response from server" message for those, but note that, in Zotero 2.1.10, Zotero might also appear to freeze while it processed the data. Don't kill Firefox or you'll just have to wait again.

    Are you sure you're always getting the above error, and never what appears to be a freeze (but actually isn't)?
  • I did not kill Firefox, sometimes it killed itself.
    Today it is still not synchronized. My colleagues can't see my entries from yesterday and I cannot see their entries.

    This morning I got the warning that a script is busy or does not reply any more. It is following script:
    Skript: chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/db.js:107

    I stopped it (usually continuing does not help me).

    I guess editing a SQlite-database from a colleague with my IDs and overwriting my current library would help (I just need to export my latest entries before). But this is not a nice solution since noone else than me repeatedly has this problem and we might loose some entries.

    can you resolve this problem?
    Thanks for your help.
  • just to let you know, I edited a SQLite database from a colleague in the meantime, overwrit my database and now the synchronisation worked.

    do you have better recommendation for the future?

  • I stopped it (usually continuing does not help me)
    It probably would have, if you had waited long enough.

    Stopping will never work.
  • And note that the issue here is that you have a group library with over 30K items, which is quite a lot for the occasions when Zotero needs to pull down the entire library (which should generally only be on new installations and on rare occasions). It might take a computer with a lot of RAM to process that much data without Firefox crashing. We hope to optimize this more in the future. In the meantime, be sure to never perform a sync reset in either direction.
  • thanks for your reply.
    In the future, I will try not to stop scripts, but sometimes it just does not work without for hours and I would not be able to continue working.
    I turned off automatic syncing and do it manually every few hours or after every entry I make. But still, from time to time I cannot sync for days.
    I will let you know as soon as it will happen again.
  • For what it's worth, you're more likely to run into problems with auto-sync off.
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