Does not attach PDFs from websites (JSTOR,

I can import references, but not PDFs. For a very short moment I can see a FullText.pdf attachement, which soon disappears. I will deeply appreciate help on this one.

Forgot to mention: I get to those sites through my university - I can save them manually and then drag&drop on Zotero. But it would be much better if Zotero did that for me :)
  • that will happen when the file that Zotero downloads isn't actually a pdf (Zotero downloads the file, checks the mime type and if it's not the one specified - in this case pdf - doesn't save the file).
    For JSTOR you need to manually open one pdf per session to OK the JSTOR terms of service. For oxfordjournals I'd need to see a sample URL to say more.
  • So, in other words Zotero currently does not save PDFs from JSTOR?
    As to oxfordjournals, here is the sample

    Unlike JSTOR, oxfordjournals do not require any confirmation or anything else.
  • SAGE Journal Online does not work either.
  • edited November 27, 2011
    no, it does for JSTOR - you have to download/open one, all subsequent ones will be saved in Zotero.

    The above URL is EUP press, which doesn't have a Zotero translator.
    Check 5.) here:
    I'm pretty sure you don't see a pdf appearing briefly for that site - the DOI translator doesn't try to save a pdf attachment.

    Edit: I can confirm that Sage currently doesn't save pdfs, though I'm not quite sure why not - it should work.
  • Actually, Sage is working, too, now, so provide a URL for that, as well.
    Also, all of these might run into issues if you're using Zotero Standalone with Connectors.
  • I use Zotero Standalone with Chrome, can this be the issue? I will try it with Firefox.
  • It's actually quite likely to be the issue, at least in some of the cases.
    If this works in Firefox, I would try to find an automatic proxy handler for Chrome - I know it exists for ezproxy, given that UofM's proxy is pretty standard something like that should exist/work with your proxy.
  • I could not make it work in Firefox - Zotero in Firefox works on its own as if there is no Standalone version open on my computer. It does download the PDFs automatically though (but into a different library)
  • I made it work in a connector mode, but it stopped downloading PDFs.
  • you need the beta version of Zotero for Firefox and you'd probably have to manually point one of the two (either the one in FF or the one in SA) to the other's data director - in your case you'd likely point the one in FF to the one used by the SA.

    But since pdf download does work in FF, my above advice on finding a tool that does automatic proxy redirection for you in Chrome really is the way to go - I figure the whole point of using SA is that you can use it with Chrome.
  • Thanks a lot for your help!
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