List references NOT included in the document

For each project/article I am writing I create a subfolder to store the relevant references. Because I often add references outside of my writing sessions, I sometime forget about this or that article. When the reference list grows it becomes more difficult to find these forgotten (tho invaluable) articles. I know I forgot to add this interesting case study or that fundamental article from 1943 on which every study is based on.

How do I check my zotero subfolder against my already inserted references in a document?
  • not possible automatically, sorry.
    You could obviously compare bibliographies, though: create one in the document, one using right-click from the subfolder: you should be able to see quickly if one is missing.
  • Yes I suppose I could do that, I didn't know about the bibliography made directly from the subfolder. I wished the word plugin could have greyed out the references already in use tho.
  • There is an upcoming feature called preferred collection which automatically adds all inserted references into a chosen collection.

    Once that is available, you can use the advanced search to find items that are included in your collection and not included in the automatically generated collection.
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