Library/Folder monitoring


I`ve seen some Topics about duplicates detection and file importing and so on. It seems that organizing files and making everything work good with Zotero is a problem of many people.

I was wondering why can`t Zotero have a Library monitoring System, just like MediaMonkey (also cited in some Posts here) do. This way, users could organize the files the way they want inside the folder they want (which actually would not essencially matter). It also make it easier to eliminate duplicates (using external programms like DuplicateCleaner, if its the case).

I mean, there is not much need to have the files itself in Zotero, just a lot of Metadata about it and a correct link to it (what should also allow the syncing). I see Zotero not only as a reference manager but as a general powerfull organizing tool, which I could virtually use to classify and organize all data in my computer, make it easier to find at and to stablish links between all datatypes.

I hope I could make myself clear. I must say I cannot evaluate the technical difficult behind of this suggestion, but I would be glad any comments about it.
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