[Chrome user] How to back up and restore my data in Windows 7?

Dear all,

Could you tell me how to back up my data from Windows 7?
I use chrome with zotero standalone.
I've read this link: http://www.zotero.org/support/zotero_data

I reached data directory. I saw them like this... but I can't see the mentioned "storage" folder.




So, did I miss something? Which folders or files should I copy and replace?
By the way, will my subcollections exist after restoring in my new computer?

Thanks a lot!
  • you'd back up the entire folder (i.e the folder "Zotero" containing all the items you list) and your library will look exactly the same, subcollections included, when you restore it.
    _However_ there should really be a folder called storage in there (containing your attachments) and I'm puzzled that it isn't. Make sure hidden files are displayed, to be safe.
    Also, try opening any attachment from within Zotero - ideally a pdf - and then try to figure out where it is actually saved.
  • Hi adamsmith,

    It works!! Thank you so much. By the way, the reason that I couldn't see "the storage folder" because I have never attached any files to zotero before. After I followed your instructions, my subcollections stay like the original one. Everything is perfect.

    Thanks again! :D
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