Feeding search results to list

It would be very useful if it were possible to feed the the results of an Advanced Search to a list where you could do certain operations on all of them, such as delete them or apply a tag to all of them.

This feature exists in the Total Commander file manager, and is a very useful addition to the advanced search.
  • how is that different from a saved search?
  • I've never used a saved search but I imagine that it allows you to repeat a search with previously saved search parameters. What I mean was being able to do things with the results of an advanced search, rather than having to do these operations on each one of them at a time.
  • a saved search creates a collection with the results of an advanced search. If you want to add a tag to all of them, you select them all and drag them to the tag (in the tag selector on the left).
    There is no similarly simple mechanism for removing tags, but that's a separate issue.

    More generally you're requesting two different things:
    1. Feed search results into a list: That's what a saved search is, so that already exists.
    2. Batch edit search results: That's no different from batch editing items in general, which has been requested for a long time and is planned in general, but, except for some cases such as adding tags, it's hard to do and hasn't been implemented.
  • OK, thanks for explaining this!
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