Account will not sync

Hi, I am setting up an account for a colleague and have had no success syncing. It has been running overnight for 3 days now with no luck.

The account username is bfleming

Any suggestions on what to do? I have restarted multiple times. Deleted the old library and started from scratch. No luck. Help please!

Thanks in advance.
  • Restart Firefox, start a sync, and post here when you do.
  • Also, make sure they have 2.1.10 or 3.0b2 installed and the latest version of Firefox.
  • Ok, I updated to firefox 8 and installed v3.0b2 and began a sync.

    Thanks again for the help!
  • I see no sign of a sync from that user in the last 5 hours.

    Restart Firefox again and provide a Debug ID for the first few minutes of a sync attempt.
  • I am getting this error each time I try and sync:

    "Invalid response from server"

    I sent a error report and it has this ID 227858914

  • I also get the same error message when I try and send the debug information in the preferences pane.
  • This might be due to a problem with your network interfering with the (large) download sync your client is doing. If you're still getting this, and it's on a laptop, try from a different location.
  • We have tried syncing from multiple locations and are still receiving the invalid response from server error. Sorry for all the trouble! Any other suggestions?

    Thanks again!
  • edited November 14, 2011
    Can you provide a Debug ID that shows the "Invalid response from server" sync error? I can make the same request your client is making without trouble, so I'm not sure that error is coming from the Zotero servers.

    Be sure to clear debug output (if necessary) immediately before starting the sync and to submit the output immediately afterward.

    If you get an "Invalid response from server" error when you try to submit the debug output, view the output, save it to a text file, zip it, and e-mail it to with a link to this thread.
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