changing language settings of citation

  • christine-u: that's odd then, chances are there is some type of misunderstanding.
    Could you describe precisely what you're trying to get, what you're doing and what you're actually getting?
  • After upgrading Zotero to 2.1.5 my language settings for Zotero citations changed in the OpenOffice (3.2.0) document I am currently working in as well as new documents. I have tried to change the language settings in about:config both the Zotero citation language and Firefox general language. Firefox is in English but OpenOffice is currently in Swedish though all language preferences in the document is set to English. The OpenOffice Zotero extension has been upgraded as well.

    Does anyone has a solution to this problem?
  • could you describe in more detail what you're getting?
  • edited April 5, 2011
    I am getting page number, issue etc. in Swedish instead of in English. The citations was in English before the update but for some reason they switched to Swedish and it seams like I can not switch it back to English.
  • edited April 5, 2011
    I think that at the moment the citation language follows the user interface language (the Firefox locale).

    One way to solve this locally would be to set the default language directly on the style. That's done by adding an attribute to the style element at the top of the CSL style code. That is, find the element that looks like:<style xmlns="";
    and change it to;<style xmlns="";
    That will peg the style itself to English (or whatever locale you specify).
  • Thank you, it solved the problem. It seamed like the style I was using did force the language to Swedish. Obviously I should have thought about changing the style but I did not know about the language setting.

    Once again, thank you for the help!
  • It would be really great to have a UI for this. The best place would be actually in the menu "set document preferences" in the OpenOffice or Word extension.
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