Style Request: [Current Protocols]

I would like to request the style for the "Current Protocols in ..." type journals. They should all have the same style.

I am not sure if there is another journal that uses the same or similar styles. The information on how to format the references is as follows (Science [i.e. the journal title in the example] in the following quote is in italics)

[[[10. Literature Cited. Full references to any literature cited in the unit. References in this section should be listed alphabetically according to the following style:
a. Journal article
Baker, R.H. Jr., Suebsaeng, L., Rooney, W., Alecrim, C.C., Dourado, H.V., and Wirth, D.F. 1986. Specific DNA probe for the diagnosis of P. falciparum malaria. Science 231:1434-1436.
b. Book
Hartmann, R.K., Binderelf, A., Schon, A. and Westhof, E. 2005. Handbook of RNA Biochemistry. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, N.J.
c. Chapter in a book
Matthews, B. 1983. Liposome-mediated delivery of DNA to plant protoplast. In Handbook of Plant Cell Culture, Vol. 1: Techniques for propagation and breeding (D.A. Evans, W.R. Sharp, P.V. Ammirato, and Y. Yamada, eds.) pp. 520-540. Macmillan, New York.
All references listed in this section must be cited in the unit. Entries should include the names of all authors. Citations in the text are according to the style “(Smith, 1989; Jones and Smith, 1992)” or “as described by Ausubel et al. (1991),” where “et al.” is employed for references with three or more authors.]]]

Thanks for your help or comments!!

  • Sorry about that. Here it goes:

    Similar to Cell style, with the following major differences:
    - the year of publication is not between brackets

    (for journal articles)
    - the journal title is italicized
    - the edition (number) of the journal is NOT italicized
    - the edition (number) is followed by a colon rather than a comma, previous to the page numbers.

    (for books)
    - the title of the book is followed by a period
    - the publisher is not between brackets
    - the title of the publishing group is not between brackets, comes before the city and state and is followed by a comma (e.g. "John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, N.J.")

    (for book chapters)
    - "In" is italicized
    - no comma after the title
    - the eds are between brackets
    - the publisher is indicated after the page numbers, follows a period and is not between brackets
    - the publisher seems to have only the city, and not the state (e.g. pp. 520-540. Macmillan, New York.)

    not sure about cell, but for this journal:
    - the "et al.", used while citing in the main text is followed by a period and a comma
    - the "and" is written out rather than using "&"
    - all authors are listed in the bibliography!

    The only info that is given by the journal is the one posted in my original post.

    Thanks again!
  • OK, it's up - let me know if there are any problems left.
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