local Zotero library is 4.7 MB, online its 122 MB??

I just got notification that I have exceeded online storage limits. On my Mac the size of my folder at ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Zotero is 4.7 MB. How is it possible that my online storage has ballooned to 122 MB?
  • that's odd - no other computer is synced to that account? Are you the owner of any groups?
  • "~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Zotero"? That's not a valid path for either Zotero for Firefox or Zotero Standalone.
  • In any case, if you have any files stored at all they take up more than 4.7MB.
  • EMBARASSED to say I had set a preference to put the library in a "zotero" folder inside my Documents folder. WOOPSie! Thanks so much for responses and please bear with me. I am trying to get up to speed with Zotero at the same time that I am carrying 18 credits and working f/t.... I have scanned the manual but am too short on mental space to actually study it.

    Indeed my local zotero library folder weighs in at a massive 500+MB. I don't think I can afford Zotero syncing at that size :-( ... especially considering I have only begun my research!

    So now two more questions:

    1. Isn't there a way to sync to my group for collaboration purposes, but to leave out my private library? Or is it only "sync everything" vs. "sync nothing"?

    2. I am storing web archives rather than links, out of fear that web pages I will want to use for writing a paper in a year will have been taken down (or URLs changed). AFter a sync I only see the original URL in my online library, I see no evidence that any document is actually stored since clicking on things brings up no download dialog.

    question 2a: when I have preferences set in Firefox to store web pages as items rather than simply grab links, is only the original link synced to the server, or all artifacts that I have stored on my own HD? It was my impression (I could swear I read it somewhere) that files are NOT synced up to the Zotero server. Do I remember that wrong?

    question 2b: If files ARE synced up to the file server, how does one download them from there, say if I"m on another computer? I can only find my Notes but not actual documents in the online library (or maybe it's my 100 MB limit that causes the documents to not be there, only links)

    Darn, I was really liking this tool and had high hopes for using it as a collaboration space. I might have to set up a Drupal site or something on my own web server instead...
  • you're aware that you can sync without syncing attached files, right? (and syncing data is unlimited).

    1. It's sync nothing or everything, but you can sync files only for groups.

    2. a) Yes, you remember that wrong. Snapshots are synced to the server, too, if you have file syncing enabled.

    2 b) With file syncing enabled you will have access to synced files both from the online interface and from any other computer synced to your Zotero account. For groups, file sharing is only possible for closed, non-plublic groups, though.
  • Thank you SO much for your patience and clear responses. I'm trying to figure out how to save only links for many pages, have only so far found an all-or-nothing checkbox preference in the Preferences, but I am sure this must be in the docs and/or forums, and will post separately if I can't locate the answer. i will also make heavy use of the Readability FF add-on to reduce the size of any snapshots I save to something more reasonable that does not include banners, animated ads and so on.

    Thanks again!
  • hee hee found it already. Just posting back here in case some equally overwhelmed late-life student stumbles on my rambling post here:

    from the docs:
    "Holding down the Shift key while clicking the “Create New Item from Current Page” button will temporarily toggle the snapshot setting, allowing you to create a web page item with no snapshot even if the snapshot preference is enabled (or vice versa). "
  • file syncing can't be toggled on/off for individual files.
  • I understand that, thanks. I meant the toggle between grabbing a link vs. downloading a snapshot. Shift-click is the toggle.
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